As mandated in Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, professors main task is to implement Tridharma college. Lecturers are required to show good...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Corruption is not something extraordinary in world society and even this matter is the biggest problem in developing country like Indonesia. Corruption...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The nature reserve is a nature reserve zone because of its natural state has the peculiarities of plants, animals, and ecosystems or ecosystem that needs...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Knowledge of the law is one among a wide range of human knowledge learned. An adage says, Ii ius ibi societas, where there are people there are laws. The...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aims to determine the efficacy and proove relationship self and internal control centers to anxiety public speaking on the students. The...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Issue in the study were: (1) What are the efforts undertaken by the headmaster in improving the success of learning activities in MTS. Muhammadiyah 3 Al-Furqan...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of economic growth on poverty reduction in Berau. The usefulness of the study are expected to...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aims to determine the relationship between self-concept and conformity Peer Group with juvenile delinquency Juvenile. A total of 100 research...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The aim of the research conducted is to know how much the value of the investment in the land transport sector and the number of workers absorbed on land...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This research is to learn the influence of performance appraisal pro-gram to employees’ job satisfaction at SMK Telkom Banjarbaru. The number of populatio...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal