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The nature reserve is a nature reserve zone because of its natural state has the peculiarities of plants, animals, and ecosystems or ecosystem that needs to be protected and development occurs naturally. One of the existing nature reserves in the province of Central Kalimantan, is Nature Reserve Bukit Tangkiling. Since the set into a conservation area by the Minister of Agriculture through Decree No. 46/ Kpts/Um/I/1977 dated January 25, 1977, until the current status of the region is not yet final inauguration. During the lengthy process of setting is increasingly rampant illegal mining action that has opened the accessibility to the region and sparked occupation. With regard to environmental damage nature reserves and parks Nature Bukit Tangkiling, it is necessary to take an action by an authorized officer, both in terms of law enforcement against vandal or illegal miners and no less important is the monitoring by the Government in preserving the existence Nature Reserve Bukit Tangking. upervision and enforcement of the criminal illegal mining in the area of the Nature Reserve Bukit Tangkiling done still weak. Weak monitoring and enforcement affect the legal protection of the nature reserve area of Bukit Tangkiling. he main problem of lack of oversight and enforcement against illegal mining is due to the uncertainty of the legal status as a Bukit Tangkiling Nature Reserve Conservation Area. The legal status of this uncertainty, resulting in the rise of mining on land belonging to the community in the region that have Tangkiling Hill Property Certificates and Certificate of Land.
Kata kunci: perlindungan hukum, penambangan liar