The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the success of mandatory mediation by PERMA No.01 of 2008 in the District Court of Samarinda...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Aim that want achieved in this watchfulness detects soil fertility status at farming rice land in the tidal swamp Banjar district especially: pH soil,...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The study aimed to assess the effect of access to farm inputs to means of egg production and revenue . The experiment was conducted at Kabupaten Hulu Sungai...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aims to get the latest conditions of some important parameters on the people of tiger shrimp ponds in villages Tarjun at Subdistrict kelumpang...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Alternative substitution of synthetic refrigerant is hydrocarbon refrigerant (HC), because it has some benefit than others, which is the value of COP (coeffcient...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The research aims to study the food web and its role in Integrated Pest management in organic farming systems of rice plants in tidal land. The study was...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The higher the level of public awareness to eating healthy foods, but their availability for organic rice from South Kalimantan area itself is still relatively...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The purpose of this study was to analyze the costs, revenues and profits as well as the feasibility of karangdukuh rice farming. Locations were selected...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of fermented rice straw fermentation using the rumen fluid to profile ADF and NDF rice straw . Research...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Peat swamp water which characteristics red brown with very high organic compounds can not be used directly. They need to be threat firtsly. They can be...
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Lihat Jurnal