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As mandated in Law No. 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, professors main task is to implement Tridharma college. Lecturers are required to show good performance. Improved performance of these lecturers need a few things such as high motivation, adequate competence, good leadership and work environment that supports faculty to be able to improve its performance. However, with the development of the world economy in general and Indonesia in particular that resulted in the higher cost of living is better lead role in a college lecturer less reliable anymore because in order to increase revenues to meet its needs. Phenomena that occur at this time and also experienced by the Polytechnic lecturer Kotabaru where professors can not concentrate fully carry out their duties well to improve the quality of teaching only on one college. One of the major factors that affect the performance of the lecturer is motivation to work. Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Based on the foregoing, it is necessary to do research on the effects of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation on performance Kotabaru Polytechnic lecturer. The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation either partially or jointly on the performance of the Polytechnic lecturer Kotabaru and to know which the most influence on intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation on performance Kotabaru Polytechnic lecturer. While the outcome of this research is scientific publications through local journals have an ISSN. The results of this study showed that there was no significant relationship between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation either partially or jointly. Intrinsic motivation has a greater influence than extrinsic motivation. Overall a good variable intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation in explaining variation in performance variable faculty of 11.9 % and the remaining 88.1 % is explained by other variables not examined.
Kata kunci: motivasi intrinsik, motivasi ekstrinsik, kinerja