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This research is to learn the influence of performance appraisal pro-gram to employees’ job satisfaction at SMK Telkom Banjarbaru. The number of population is 61, they are all employees of SMK Telkom Banjarbaru and are all sampled. The influence of performance appraisal program to job satisfaction at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Banjarbaru: (1) Simultaneously performance appraisal program comprising supervisor factors, point to evaluate, system of performance appraisal has significant influence to employees’ job satisfaction at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Banjarbaru. (2) partially Supervisor (X1), Sensitivity (X3), Practicality (X5) and Acceptability (X6) have significant and positive influences. Variable of Relevance (X2), and Reliability (X4) have positive but not significant influence to employees’ job satisfaction at SMK Telkom Sandhy Putra Banjarbaru. Performance Appraisal comprising Supervisor (X1), Relevance (X2), Sensitivity (X3), Reliability (X4), Practicality (X5), Acceptability (X6) have contribution of 92% (R Square=0,920) to employees’ job satisfaction and the other 8 % is influenced by other factors. Acceptability variable (X6) is the most dominant variable.
Kata kunci: keefektifan, penilaian prestasi kerja dan kepuasan kerja