The success in the construction in measured from accurate planning and design, such that safety and function construction. Cost optimilization and part...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The purpose of the study are: (1) to identify the areas prone to flooding and its causes in Loa Buah, (2) to prepare a technical planning document of...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The process in computer vision is the retrieval of data from the input is an image, and then processed into a particular outcome according to the needs...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
People of Dayak Lundayeh, an ethnic group in Kalimantan Utara Province has been using Tabar kedayan (Aristolochia foveolata Merr,) as antidote and analgesic....
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Stockpile of type C materials on areas Kutai Barat estimated about 6,01 million tons, with total area of the region 31.628,70 km2, implementation of...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Land use city then experience growth with increase it urban affairs facilities development causes often the happening of tune change or...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Cherry leaf contain metabolites including flavonoids, tannins, triterpenes, saponins, and polyphenols which showed antioxidative activity....
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aims to determine the growth of Shorea leprosula planted in different planting line width and the influences of the planting line width on...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The objectives of the research were to analyze the characteristics and attitudes of consumers towards the attributes of bananas Kepok in Kuala Pembuang,...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Purpose of this study was to determine the technical implementation of Siam Mutiara rice farming , costs, revenues, income and analyze the contribution...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal