Vol.8 No.2 Oktober 2015
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
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This study aims to determine the growth of Shorea leprosula planted in different planting line width and the influences of the planting line width on the growth of Shorea leprosula on the TPTJ system at the area of Utilization Permit of Timber Forest Products (IUPHHK) of PT Balikpapan Forest Industries in the District of Penajam Paser Utara.Through this research is expected to obtain an optimal planting line width to improve the productivity of the forest with Shorea leprosula plant species.This research was carried out at the block area of PT TPTJ of Balikpapan Forest Industries (PT BFI) in the District of Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan Province. Based on this research it is known that the average diameter growth and basal area of Shorea leprosula tree at the planting line width of 3 meters is 1.47cm/yr and 1.09 m2/ha/yr. Mean of diameter growth and basal area of Shorea leprosula tree at the planting line width of 6 meters is 2.08cm/yr and 0.90m2/ha/yr. Acceptance of optimal light intensity on leaf will accelerate transpiration rate and opening of stomata, thus affecting the rate of photosynthesis. The differences between planting line width of 3 meters and 6 meters are very significant on the growth and diameter increment of Shorea leprosula tree. The differences between planting line width of 3 meters and 6 meters do not affect the basal area growth of Shorea leprosula stands. This is due to the number of trees per unit area at 6 meter planting line width is smaller than 3 meters width. Besides, the basal area increment of tree is not only determined by the diameter increment but is also affected by the number of trees per unit area.
Keyword : Planting Line, Shorea leprosula, Utilization Permit, Timber Forest