Vol.9 No.2 April 2016
Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
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The success in the construction in measured from accurate planning and design, such that safety and function construction. Cost optimilization and part of building one of study and became choice alternative. Research optimilization composed of unit price, part of construction, salary and equipment. The research is doing with compare part of building and unit price, so such that to product varian optimilization. In optimilization so that success can be doing analysis design product, unit price product, salary and equipment at legal cluster Samboja area. Analysis and programming used in microsoft office so that to product alternative optimilization is (1) low cost estmate, (2) middle cost estimate, and (3) hight cost estimate.
Keywords : cost optimizing, Development Project , RSUD Samboja