Vol.8 No.2 Oktober 2015
Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Darwan Ali
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The objectives of the research were to analyze the characteristics and attitudes of consumers towards the attributes of bananas Kepok in Kuala Pembuang, Sampit and Palangkaraya. The research method used is descriptive qualitative method and the sampling technique with accidental sampling of the 150 respondents were divided in Kuala Pembuang, Sampit and Palangkaraya each 50 respondents. Variable that will be analyzed include: attributes of price, taste, freshness, ripeness, size, shape, color, and skin hygiene using Fishbein multi-attribute model. Based on the results of a study of the characteristics of the respondents in the city of Kuala Pembuang, Sampit and Palangkaraya in the range of ages is relatively uniform and still relatively productive age of 20-50 years of age. Different when viewed in terms of the education level of respondents in the city of Sampit and Palangkaraya more respondents who have been through higher education compared to respondents in the city of Kuala Pembuang. Moreover, if it is seen by the income level of the respondents in Kuala Pembuang inclined relatively lower income compared to respondents in the city of Sampit and Palangkaraya. The score Ao each city shows the attitude of respondents to attribute banana Kepok neutral (normal) to the value of Ao in each city is 106.5428 (Kuala Pembuang), 104.6452 (Sampit) and 110.8460 (Palangkaraya ). Consumer attitudes in the city of Sampit and Palangkaraya more to quality than consumers in Kuala Pembuang more to the price.
Keywords: Consumers, Kepok bananas, Attitudes, Multi Attribute Fishbein