Cancer and its treatment can affect a child's physical condition and have an impact on selfcare
behaviors. Therefore, a child needs helps from parents...
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Lihat Jurnal
This research aim to to know systems of rubber effort management in Bentok Darat village.
Economically to know the level of expense which the allocation...
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Lihat Jurnal
Hypertension remains a major problem in the health sector. Hypertension is one of the
problems often experienced by the elderly. Hypertension is...
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Lihat Jurnal
This study aimed to identify the difference in the use of transparant plaster and brown plaster to the
incidence of phlebitis. It was carried out...
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Lihat Jurnal
Protein isolation is the primary step in protein investigation. Methods for isolating protein
depend on protein solubility, size, charge and affinity....
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Lihat Jurnal
Organic farming can be defined as a system of agricultural production which preclude or
exclude the use of synthetic compounds is good for fertilizer,...
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Lihat Jurnal
Most areas Kotabaru District is an area of beaches, plains and undulating area of moderate
and severe. From the east coast is an area that is fairly...
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Lihat Jurnal
The objective of this research is to observe the contribution the performance assessment
with the productivity of work of employment at PPMKP Ciawi...
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Lihat Jurnal
Inspection process has been done by company for protecting the product quality so it will be
suitable with standardization. One of inspection process...
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Lihat Jurnal
The purpose of the research is to make the analysis of flood control system, and provides
information about flood control system with various scenarios...
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Lihat Jurnal