Vol.10 No.1 April 2017
Program Studi Agribisnis Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Achmad Yani Banjarmasin
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This research aim to to know systems of rubber effort management in Bentok Darat village.
Economically to know the level of expense which the allocation for rubber effort labour. and to know
Labour Productivity Index.The results of the research showed expense of Medium produce to cover seed
need, fertilize and pesticide at Bentok Darat of mean equal to Rp. 4.764.130. Revenue obtained by a farmer
follow the example of rubber effort mean 142.552.550 per hectare. Known that effusing of Labour In bigger
Family really role (78,32 %) from External Labour Family (21,68 %) and Assess Indek Productivity (IP)
of Labour equal to Rp. 208.105,84.
Key words: Rubber, Labour Productivity Index