Vol. 9 No. 2 Oktober 2016
Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
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The purpose of the research is to make the analysis of flood control system, and provides
information about flood control system with various scenarios planned.The research was
conducted for about four months at the Upstream Karangmumus sub-watershed located in Sei
Siring Urban-village of North Samarinda Sub District, Samarinda Municipality, East Kalimantan.
Generally, the scope of the research include: (1) conduct a field survey in detail, (2) identify the
factors that cause flooding, and (3) formulate recommendation for making a significant
contribution for the development program of environmentally sound to minimize the
environmental and social impacts that could occur.The research results showed that: (1) the most
dominant cause of the flooding problems naturally is the topographical conditions of flood prone
areas which is relatively low and flat, and it is an area of concentration of surface runoff from the
catchment area of the Karang Mumus river and Pampang river; (2) the drainage system is still face
problems either in the system, physical facilities/ structures and non structure constraints; (3) based
on the study of potential flood control, flood control systems at Upper zone of Karang Mumus
River could be applied both structural and nonstructural mechanisms; and (4) there are five
scenarios of existing flood control system. In such scenarios, the flood control system applied a
combination of existing conditions with some bendali and diversion. Apart of that, the flood
control system also applied the scenario with only normalizing the Pampang river.
Key words: Flood Control System, Karang Mumus Watershed