Vol. 9 No. 2 Oktober 2016
Widyaiswara Ahli Utama Pusat Pelatihan Manajemen dan Kepemimpinan Pertanian (PPMKP)
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The objective of this research is to observe the contribution the performance assessment
with the productivity of work of employment at PPMKP Ciawi – Bogor. Hypothesis in this
research is a positive contribution between the performance assessment (X) with the productivity
of work of employment (Y).This study is a quantitative explanative method, with the population
target all the employment and had been taken 58 samples using the employment as proportional
random sampling from total populations. The research concluded that there are a positive
contribution between the performance assessment (X) with the productivity of work (Y) with
formulated as Ŷ = 52,29 + 0,68 X, correlation coefficient is rYx = 0,6193343, the variation of the
productivity of work (Y) is dependent on the leadership style (X) is 38,35 %. As the result, the
escalation of the performance assessment (X) will raise the productivity of work (Y) employment
through : to adjusment performance assessment by the rule.
Keyword : performance assessment, the productivity