This study aimed to identify the characteristics of duck jerky consumer product, analyze the process of consumer purchasing decisions made on duck jerky...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Catfish (Pangasius djambal) oil contains high unsaturated fatty acid. This condition cause catfish oil easily damage due to oxidation. Catfish oil also...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aims to determine the inventory management of raw materials that exist in soybean tempe and tofu processing business Rizky Daya in Bungur Baru...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Various types of security measures has been use to protect network system, including firewall, anti-virus, intrusion detection system, etc. intrusion detection...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The objective of this research is to determine the relationship among age and working period with occupational fatigue, of fuel truck drivers in PT Elnusa...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
The use of concentrated sulfuric acid in the delinting of lintered cottonseed produce a high sulfate concentration waste which need a treatment prior to...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
This study aimed to analyze the sensitivity of the feasibility study of new plant investment Arema Borneo’ tofu if total variable cost increases. The result...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Peanuts are one of the plant food crops that have high nutritional value. Swampy marsh land known to have properties and characteristics acid sulfate soil,...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
Conducted research on the solubility of n-butanol fraction leaves the Kembang Bulan (Tithonia diversifolia) on calcium kidney stones in vitro. This study...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal
East Kalimantan has a very high plant diversity of the various ethnic Dayak who has knowledge of medicinal plants for generations to cope with the health...
Lihat Jurnal
Lihat Jurnal