Vol.10 No.1 April 2017
Fakultas Teknik, Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Industri Bontang
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Cleaning of prior to determined by is Problems which is usually happened at operation of
appliance of heat exchanger. Evaluate to parameter of appliance of heat exchanger of during 24
week indicate that.The problem because of growth of defilement coat prisoner of termal fouling at
pipe surface. This research aim to for the develop desain of alternative of appliance of heat
exhanger ( oil cooler) to reply/ answer the problems above. This method, have to be determined
byschedule of cleaning international and condition of appliance operation which Condision
operate for the eligible appliance at constant burden termal or constant average temperature
difference. price of Prisoner of termal fouling / defilement factor ( Rf) selected is not constant, but
time function. the Price Rf obtained from calculation parameter oil cooler there is, that is
accelerateing mass flow of fluid and fluid temperature. prisoner of Termal fouling oil cooler which
,tipe shell and tube, 1 pass shell 2 pass tube form the curve asimtotik, by formula:Rf = 0,00066
. (1 − ????(− ????
⁄11 )) ????2 ????⁄????, by t is Cleaning interval in week. Pipe dimension, do = 12 mm, di =
9,6 mm, L = 3356 mm. Amount of pipe of oil cooler examinee, with the not sure time cleaning.
Nt = 400. Amount of pipe at oil cooler result of desain alternative to the condition of different
operation constant average temperature and cleaning international 12 month, Nt = 434.
Keyword: Oil Cooler, fouling, fast mass flow fluid, fluid temperature, constant burden termal