Vol. 9 No. 2 Oktober 2016
Program Studi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Samarinda
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Study of the research floodwaters during the rainy season due to the flow of the river can not
accommodate flood waters overflowing. Some areas Samarinda troubled by floods in Sub Watershed
Karang Asam Kecil see its development in Sub Watershed is predicted to be potential areas of flooding
if no serious handling. Flooding in areas along the Sub Watershed Karang Asam Kecil influenced by
surface water runoff is relatively large and the rate of eroded soil as sediment in the river coming from
the catchment area in sub basins in flood control river Karang Asam Kecil need to do a study on flood
control in fixed. The purpose of this study to provide a comprehensive overview of the floodwaters in
the Sub Watershed Karang Asam Kecil and benefits of this research to predict inundation area on the
area Sub Watershed Karang Asam Kecil. The analysis shows the topographic map Sub Watershed
Karang Asam Kecil broad slope class 0-8% 1153,3 ha and affluent area of 174 ha inundation for the
district Samarinda Ulu and Sungai Kunjang by 7 ha based on extensive inundation predictable as flood
prone areas. Flood discharge at the inflow Qi = 257,6593 m3 / s and the outflow of flood discharge
Qo = 205,0587 m3/sec.
Keywords: slope, extensive inundation, debit exit