Vol.9 No.2 April 2016
Prodi Peternakan fakultas Pertanian Universitas Islam kalimantan MAB
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The purpose of this study was to describe the biological aspects of fresh water snail includes systematics, morphology, population growth, food preferences and ecological. Aspects systematics includes , Phylum: mollusca, class : gastropoda, ordo : pulmata, family : ampullaridae, genus : Pomacea and species : Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea glauca. The aspects of morphology fresh water snail in the form of shell shape, population growth include life cycle short of egg stage to the later stage, from ecological views habitat fresh water snail covers the territorial waters, water pH, water transparency, vegetation place to live, COD, BOD and water temperature . The observation of fresh water snail population growth is quite short ie 2.5 - 3 months, the of eggs produced up to 1200 grain / month / parent. The fresh waters snail of south Kalimantar preferred plant species kayapu, young spinach, yielding rice and velvetleaf. Ecologically the fresh water snail like subtrate waters with pH of 4 to 6.8, at a temperature of 24-28oC, and habitat CO2 levels ranging from 3.3% up to 12.22%, BOD 7.20 up to 12.22, COD 11.58 up to 17.51, and the Fe content 0.80% up to 2.45%, the water transparancy 2,5 up to 5,6 meters
Keywords : water snail, biological aspect, population growth, ecologycal