Vol.9 No.2 April 2016
Program Studi Geoinformatika Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda
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Increased crime in a residential area of the city, and the lack of guidance for designers in Indonesia, which refers to efforts to prevent the occurrence of crime, underlie the study initiated by the Research Center for Development of Human Settlements, Ministry of Settlement and Regional Infrastructure. This study was made to develop a design guide with the principle of crime prevention in the city settlements. With reference to the situational approach, or specifically known as "crime prevention through environmental design" (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design-CPTED), this research studies the relationship between building typology and morphology of areas with environmental behavior. Of the object of study, areas with a high crime rate, medium and low, it appears that the environment can play a role in reducing the opportunities for crime.Residential architecture and culture research raised local wisdom. Architectural phenomenon known settlements have a theory about the local wisdom to preserve the culture of the Dayak settlements with combined design new settlement that is based on local wisdom architecture vernakuler settlements related social culture of the Dayak culture in the province of East Kalimantan. Target research to reach an agreement about the intricacies of the settlements of the Dayak culture, discover the concepts and theories used residential architecture in the district of Samarinda City.
Keywords: Environmental Behavior, Criminality, Residential Design City