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Analyzing financial statements, means doing a process to dissect financial statements into its elements, examine each of these elements, and examined the relationship between these elements in order to gain insight and understanding of good and appropriate for the financial statements. The purpose of the research conducted at the Regional Water Company Bengkayang is to analyze the financial statements relating to the Company's performance Bengkayang Regional Water District for the period of 2009 to 2012. The results of the study as the Basis of Financial Statement Analysis in Performance Assessment of Regional Water Company Bengkayang visible on the financial performance ratio analysis of liquidity, solvency, profitability, and activity in measuring the Company's performance Bengkayang Regional Water District for four years, namely in 2009 shows the state of good enough, in 2010 showed unfavorable circumstances, the year 2011 showed a fairly good state, in 2012 showed a good state.
Kata kunci: likuiditas, solvabilitas, profitabilitas dan aktivitas