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The use of property rights to land in their implementation lead to conflict. Case appreciation and is due to lack of respect for the right owner on land provided by other parties, such as governments, investors and other stakeholders. Land supply is limited and competition for land (soil) into a pro-longed conflict without finding a solution that complete. establishment law in the area of land is still a tough job for law. Presence enforcement involvement of certain parties in power and the economy is in a strong position against the public weak to defend the their rights. Incident often lead to the expropriation of land belonging to the community. Even more that does not have a formal proof of land occupied or working on, the sheer proof that they had only destroyed crops, and recognition of ancestral graves is customary. The-proofs as it can be easily refuted by the above basing an opponent especially if their formal evidence in court pro-ceedings, basing things on a formal juridical.
Kata kunci: kedudukan, hak milik atas tanah