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Unit hydrograph analysis of the results of the sub-watershed Sinsetik Nakayasu Karang Asam small, the maximum flood discharge plan on a return period of 2 years at Q2 = 175.5842 m3/sec occurred at time t = 8 hours, maximum flood discharge plan on a return period of 5 years for Q5 = 210.9407 m3/sec occurred at time t = 8 hours, maximum flood discharge plan on a return period of 10 years at Q10 = 232.3773 m3/sec occurred at time t = 8 hours and a maximum flood discharge plan return period of 25 years at Q25 = 257.6593 m 3/sec occurred at time t = 8 hours. Maximum inflow flood discharge Q = 257.6593 m3/sec > maximum flood discharge outflow Q = 205.0587 m3/sec, the capacity of the river Karang Asam Small acid when it rains or flooding no
longer able to accommodate rainfall. Keywords: maximum flood discharge