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In conducting traffic management discretion or election system as the best solution to accommodate the traffic, beforehand need to know behavior movement of currents traffic as were characteristic, namely the volume of traffic ( F ), speed ( S ), and density ( D ). Research purposes is to get the relationship between the effectiveness of the model characteristic of the flow of traffic on the roads to the location outside urban road achmad yani banjarbaru. A model used to analyze data is Greenshields, Greenberg, and Underwood with a software program microsoft excel and justice and equality that happens, the correlation then the evaluation of the best alternative model based on the value of a correlation coefficient ( r ) of any model and has x which are realistic. Data taken on june 17 october 2012 in time span observation 12 hours ( 06.00 -18.00 Wita ) by intervals of time 10 minutes. Research result obtained effectiveness model the relationship between characteristic traffic corresponding to the traffic model greenshield with equation model follows: F =460.78 S – 6,594 S2to relations F-S; F = 64.97 D -0,141 D2 to the connection between F-D; and S = 4,97 – 0.141 Dto relations S-D. Value correlation between the characteristic of 0.897 have a very strong (by 0.80 - 1.00). Required study further who developed nature of the model relations other characteristic and compared that to the outer road urban other.
Keyword: traffic flow, road outside, urban areas