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The objectives of the research was to know how much the income of adenium flower business that accepted by adenium flower seller and whether adenium flower business advantageous or not.The research was held from September to December 2007 in adenium flower at Jl. Pembangunan, Jl. Muhammad Yamin, and Jl. Untung Suropati, Samarinda. Samples was taken using judgement sampling method or purposive which determined samples intentionally based on characteristic given by the researcher. Data was analyzed by counting total cost, total revenue, total income and R/C ratio value. The result of the research showed that : (1) income of adenium flower seller is Rp 810.194.017,50 year-1 with average Rp 73.654.001,59 respondent-1 year-1, and R/C ratio value 2,66; and (2) income by adenium flower seller is high and this business is advantageous.
Key word : income, adenium flower business