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Heavy metal is a chemical elements were considered of water pollution life of organism. This research aimsto the concentration heavy metal Pb, Ni, Cu, and Cd in water and sediment. Analysed deite relate at minister decision live environment No. 51, Year 2004 about standard quality water sea. The method which using Atomic Absorption Spectrofotometer (AAS) base on the Standart Nasional Indonesia (SNI). Result of laboratory analaysis showed the concentration heavy metal of Pb were not detected - 0.2787 mg/l, Ni not detected - 0.0018 mg/l, Cd not detected - 0.0452 mg/l, dan Cu not detected. In the sediment, concentration of Pb were not detected - 0.1532 mg/g, Ni not detected - 0.025 mg/g, Cu not detected – 0,0217 mg/g, dan Cd not detected.
Keyword: Heavy metal, water, sediment, dan waters Tarakan town